An Angel Is…

I have been lovingly prodded by my sister Terri to update my "Angle Talks" and so I sit here, pen in hand, waiting for some Angelic prod as to what I should write. Perhaps they need to use a cattlle prod to get my brain in gear today! Once all the technical stuff is covered like ranks, … [Read more...]

About Healing Guides

In ancient Greece, the sick went to temples with the hope of a cure by a ritual called incubation or “temple sleep.” Asclepius (known in other cultures as Aesculapius), God of Healing, was said to have visited them in their dreams, or even during guided meditations. Priests would then interpret the … [Read more...]

Do You Believe in Angels?

Millions of people have felt the grace and guidance of Angels. People in all walks of life have been helped, guided, saved or just confronted by their Guardian Angels and are more than eager to share their encounters with anyone willing to listen. Angels are all around and watching over us. They … [Read more...]

The Ranks of Angels

The Ranks of Angels: The Hierarchy by Cathi Throughout time, millions of people have felt the grace and guidance of Angels. People in all walks of life have been helped, guided, saved or just confronted by their Guardian Angels and are more than eager to share their encounters with anyone … [Read more...]