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  1. The Reiki Principles
  2. Benefits of 2nd Degree Reiki
  3. What Can Be Treated
  4. Karma and Reiki Ethics
  5. Equal Exchange of Energy
  6. Clearing Energy Blocks
  7. Cleansing and Balancing the Aura and Chakras
  8. Distance Healing
  9. Methods Used For Distance Healing
  10. Manifestation Triangle
  11. Affirmations for Health, Addictions, and Release
  12. Level II Reiki Symbols
  13. Preparing for the Attunement
  14. Recommended Reading for Level I and II Practitioners


  1. Further information regarding the Original Reiki Principles
  2. An Intro to Tibetan Medicine

Affirmations for Health, Addictions, and Release

When using affirmations, always use a positive statement and stay in the present tense. Use first person. Repeat affirmation three times. (Note: The Reiki symbols are repeated three times as well.)

For Health: I am whole, healthy and free as I was created to be.

Addictions: I lead an alcohol (drug, tobacco, etc.) free life.

Start of the Day: Divine wisdom guides my thoughts, words and actions this day.

Take five minutes three times a day to get still.
List all of the people you need to release. Work on them until you no longer feel the need.
Repeat all three parts of this affirmation entirely: (Person's name repeated 3 times), I fully and freely release you and let you go. I let go and let God/dess work in, through and as you. You are free, and I am free, and all is cleared up between us, now and forever.

(Person's name repeated 3 times), you fully and freely release me. You let me go. You let go and let God/dess work in, through and as me. You are free, and I am free, and all is cleared up between us now and forever.

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