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    The Living Beauty Program

    May 2007 | Filed under Health Topics

    The Living Beauty Program
    A special interview with author Ann Louise Gittleman

    “A youthful glow, skin that’s soft to the touch, luster-rich hair, strong, healthy nails, a serene spirit, and a nourished soul…the answer for true beauty is here for each of us no matter what our age. It’s only a matter of understanding how to create it.”
    Why did you write The Living Beauty Detox Program?

    I wrote The Living Beauty Detox Program because true beauty is an inside job! Based upon the latest scientific research, we now recognize that detoxification is the missing link to overall health and beauty. Toxic overload from pollutants in our environment can lead to a myriad of health symptoms which often results in premature aging and degenerative disease. But when your body flushes out toxins and wastes using the right foods and supplements, your entire system benefits. Your skin becomes younger looking; your hair stops falling out and becomes lustrous; your nails become stronger and more pliable; and cellulite and fatty deposits disappear. The best side effect of all is that you lose weight without using your will power.

    Does that mean I have to fast?

    Ironically, you will actually be eating your way to Living Beauty through the detoxification process. The essential elements of this program include beautifying and healing oils, organic powerhouse proteins, phystonutrient rich vegetables, purifying fruits, a special cleansing drink made with cranberry juice and a super green food, a fiber rich supplement and filtered water. This means no more fasting. Fasting inhibits the detoxification process by shutting down liver enzymes necessary to clear toxins from the body and transforming them into harmless compounds.

    Can you explain why it is important to cleanse the system according to the season?

    I believe it is important to cleanse the system according to the season because each season is accompanied by unique temperature and weather changes which affect health and beauty. My programs are based upon the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine which links the seasons with certain organs which are more vulnerable during certain times of the year.

    Why is fat such an essential nutrient in the Living Beauty Program?

    Certain kinds of fat (like flaxseed oil, olive oil, and sesame oil) are absolutely critical for the cleansing process itself. Oil attracts the fat soluble poisons which have been lodged in fatty tissues of the body and carries them out of the system for elimination. In addition these oils are potent beautifiers serving as internal moisturizers that create smooth, wrinkle free skin. They also serve as blood sugar stabilizers creating satiety and long term appetite satisfaction so you are filled up longer and do not experience cravings.

    Can you explain how taking birth control pills can negatively impact a women’s looks?

    The Pill can cause a number of nutrient deficiencies that result in a host of beauty and hormonal imbalances. Among them are a deficiency in vitamin B6 causing dandruff, hair loss, thinning hair, dermatitis, stretch marks, PMS and a lack of estrogen balancing progesterone. Women can also become deficient in vitamin B12 resulting in that rundown, haggard look and anemia. Low levels of biotin can occur which manifest as hair loss, dry hair, eczema, and brittle nails. Folic acid levels become depressed resulting in a sallow complexion, premature graying, and poor skin color. In addition, Vitamin C is affected which weakens collagen production and increases wrinkles and lines. These are just to name a few.

    What are some general pointers to avoid wrinkles for women of all ages and stages of life?

    No matter what our age, we can blame the sun for most skin damage including wrinkles. But there are other factors to consider as well such as repeated facial expressions, smoking, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, poor dental work, a low protein and fat free diet, lack of exercise, and environmental stress. Topical vitamin C skin creams - at the right potency - can dramatically reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The amino acid proline in amounts of 500 mg. is a potent wrinkle buster. The super antioxidants pine bark and grape seed extract are also helpful in smoothing out wrinkles.

    Why did you include a chapter about detoxing the inner-self?

    When you begin to clear out physical toxins from your body, emotional toxins tend to surface. Suppressed emotions like anger, fear, grief, and anxiety begin to manifest. I am personally drawn to affirmations and connected breathing. Many individuals swear by meditation. In fact, in my chapter entitled Detoxing the Inner, I introduce a brand new system of healing called “Botanical Alchemy Emotional Remedies.” This system is designed to heal emotional imbalances within the body that manifest as fear, anger, shame, sexual inadequacy, guilt, anxiety, depression, and lack of confidence.

    What are your top ten beauty nutrients for women in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s?

    The top ten beautifiers are: vitamin C to fight wrinkles and support collagen; magnesium for beautiful bones and strong teeth; vitamin B complex for calm nerves; vitamin E to prevent sagging facial muscles, age spots and provide skin lubrication; iron for a rosy complexion; zinc for wound healing and strong hair; vitamin D for calcium absorption and strong bones; vitamin A for beautiful soft skin; sulfur to heal and prevent scars; and essential fatty acids to prevent nails from splitting, skin from breaking out and hair from falling out.

    About The Author
    Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S., C.N.S., the former director of nutrition at the renowned Pritikin Longevity Center, is a leading nutritionist and the author of nearly twenty health books, including the best selling Beyond Pritikin and Before the Change.

    Internationally hailed as a pioneer in dietary, environmental and women’s health issues, Ann Louise regularly contributes to national radio, television, magazines, and newspapers. Today millions of listeners from over 5,000 radio stations nationwide recognize her name - which has become synonymous with nutritional expertise. Ann Louise has made guest appearances on such prestigious television programs as ABC Good Morning America and Good Day New York and has been quoted on CNN.

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