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    Feng Shui

    February 2008 | Filed under General Interest

    Feng Shui, pronounced “foong swee” (Cantonese) or “fong shway” (Mandarin), is the ancient Chinese art and science of arranging elements in your environment for the purpose of improving health, wealth, and happiness. Literally translated, Feng Shui means Wind and Water.

    Based on the Chinese Oracle of the Yi Jing (I Ching) or “book of change,” Feng Shui holds that all things undergo change. Nothing remains the same. The key is to find the balance between Yin and Yang. It is in this balance that we heal and harmonize body, mind and soul… externally and internally.

    To bring well being and prosperity into our lives, we have to create harmonious spaces. To create this balance we need an understanding of the flow energy itself, Ch’i or Qi. The flow of qi is like a river. Water invigorates and water calms a person. Standing and watching the flow of water brings immense enjoyment to the onlooker. But the enjoyment of being invigorated and refreshed by the cooling qualities of the water can only be felt by being in the water. Physically enjoying the water is far greater than visually enjoying the view.

    The flow of qi is just like the flow of water. Allowing qi to move through every room brings benefits to the people in the room. Positive qi is called sheng qi. Sheng means generating. So it stands to reason that if we want to attract well being and prosperity we have to create a harmonious space filled with sheng qi… moving energy.

    Qi is the life force energy that flows through the meridians of the body. When we follow the principle of harmony and balance, qi flows uninterrupted, we avert stagnancy, and we remain healthy. Since there is no way to avoid death, regardless of how healthy we are, the goal becomes enjoying longevity, which is growing old with our faculties still intact. Being healthy requires a balance between the Yin and Yang energies within the body.

    Two of the best ways to avoid energy blocks are: Don’t procrastinate, and don’t accumulate “stuff” in your home or office… it’s all just clutter. You can procrastinate about anything - things that seem difficult, and things you enjoy, such as writing or taking that time to nurture yourself. Energy is action at work. It takes energy to avoid taking action, and it takes energy to deal with the consequences.

    recommended reading:

    Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui
    Clutter is stuck energy that has far-reaching effects physsically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Karen Kingston, pioneer of a branch of Feng Shui known as Space Clearing, expertly guides you through the liberating task of clutter clearing.

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