An Angel A Day Keeps The Doctors Away!
June 11, 2009
Filed under Angels
The Angels are waiting on us! They cannot just butt into our lives unless we ASK them to. And they LOVE to be asked!
There isn’t much I don’t do without first asking for some form of Angelic companionship. For instance, whenever I get into my car, before I even turn the key, I say a simple ‘prayer/chant’ … “through the Mighty I AM Presence I call upon Angels of Protection to guide me on my journey” … 3 times, then end it with “So Be It … I AM”
This little prayer has not only kept my car, with almost bald tires, on an icy road during one of our freezing rain storms, but has saved me from many, many, many accidents.
I use the same chant with any help I may need like Angels of Compassion if I have a tough situation and people to deal with, or Healing Angels if I am having a really bad day. I’ve even asked for Angel Mechanics when my car was acting up real bad and didn’t think I was going to make it through a trip.
Of course one need not be specific, the right one will come. Nor use my prayer. Create your own. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to thank them! It’s just nice to be curteous.