Do You Believe in Angels?

April 17, 2009  
Filed under Angels

Millions of people have felt the grace and guidance of Angels. People in all walks of life have been helped, guided, saved or just confronted by their Guardian Angels and are more than eager to share their encounters with anyone willing to listen.

Angels are all around and watching over us. They are more popular and more visible today than ever before. And even though they have always been with us, it seems as though we are just discovering them. In spite of all the skepticism, human belief in these Heavenly Beings has withstood the test of time and lately more people are willing to come forward and share their stories of encounters with these Heavenly visitations.

Anyone whose life has been touched by an Angel will agree wholeheartedly that these Angels are indeed messengers from God.

According to the dictionary an Angel is “a celestial attendant of God; one of a class of Spiritual Beings who, in Medieval Angelology, were the lowest of the nine celestial orders: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.” However for most people, an Angel is an Angel, regardless of their so called ‘rank’.

READ: The Ranks of Angels

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3 Responses to “Do You Believe in Angels?”
  1. Cathi says:

    As someone who is always talking to others about Angels, I find it amazing that many have an encounter, but don’t think they did because it was as subtle as just hearing a voice, like the above comments.

  2. Mary says:

    I woke up one morning…and heard clear as day someone saying “Everything is going to be all right.” I asked my husband if he said something…and he said no. Six weeks later I was almost shot…and something made the shooter toss the gun from their hand ( as if it had been hit away) before firing, which saved my life. There is no question in my mind that an angel had spoken to me six weeks before..and then knocked the gun away.

    • Terri says:

      Years ago, my sister became very ill, to the point where she was at death’s door. Her doctor thought it was just a matter of time, and not much time at that. One night she heard “someone” say: “Take my body, but not my heart… because my heart’s no good.” The next day, the elderly woman who lived next door to us died from a heart attack. From that day on, my sister started making a remarkable, and full, recovery.

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