The Best Diet for YOU!

April 30, 2009  
Filed under Weight Management

From an early age we’re programmed by the media, the fashion industry, and our peers to believe that something must be wrong with us if we don’t have the genetic makeup of a super model. We begin to feel inadequate on all levels, and thus begins the quest for that magic bullet; which comes in the guise of diet pills, fad diets, crash diets, liquid diets, cosmetic surgery, and whatever else will make us resemble those computer-enhanced photos we see on the covers of fashion magazines.

We need to understand the fact that our body weight is based on our body type, genetics, and eating patterns, and not on “industry standards.” There are also cases where excess weight is gained because of conditions such as food allergies, sluggish metabolism, chemical toxicity, insulin imbalance, excessive dieting, psychological factors, and nutritional deficiencies. All of these conditions are often treatable with alternative therapies.

No matter what you’ve been told, all the many and varied fad diets cannot insure successful, healthy and permanent weight loss. Neither will counting calories, skipping meals, working out all day long, or starving yourself.  Some of these diets may be effective in the short term, but in the long run can lead to a sluggish metabolism, gradually making the task of getting healthy and slimming down increasingly difficult. This slower metabolism can eventually lead to weight gain, even when eating normally.

What will work is a sensible Weight Management program, which means a well-balanced diet (based on your body type). Food nourishes both the body and the brain. In fact, the brain has first call on the available supply of nutrients.

On the Subject of Organic Foods . . .
When asked about organic foods, Dr. Larrian Gillespie, author of several books, including The Menopause Diet, and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Total Nutrition Cooking,” replied; “I have mixed feelings about this, mainly because some people feel guilty for buying non-organic to save some money. There are some foods, however, that are especially high in pesticides and other toxins… such as green bell peppers, spinach, cherries, peaches, cantaloupe, celery, apples, apricots, green beans, grapes and cucumbers. So, I think paying an “organic” premium for these foods makes sense.”

Alternative Therapies for Weight Loss & Management

Acupuncture has been successful for some as a treatment for eating disorders.

Another alternative is Behavior modification, which can be undertaken through group or individual sessions under the guidance of professional personnel, and alone or in conjunction with other approaches. The goal of behavior treatment is to modify unhealthy eating behavior and physical activity habits, typically focusing on gradual changes.

Yoga and T’ai chi are among the exercise or relaxation techniques that can reduce anxiety and increase body awareness.  Both serve as useful adjuncts to treatments that address nutrition and the emotional roots of eating disorders.

Homeopathic remedies can also help you lose weight and help promote healthy functioning of the digestive system, maintain metabolism, support liver functioning and the healthy breakdown of dietary fat—all which contribute to a balanced weight and body type.

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2 Responses to “The Best Diet for YOU!”
  1. Jen says:

    Medifast and Optifast were the initial weightloss liquid diets and come with side effects such as gallbladder disease. They are really meant for use in a limited time span and not as a way of life. Dieting is really about changing your lifestyle if you want to keep the weight off.

  2. Kelly says:

    What about diet plans like Medifast or Optifast? I know a couple of people who are on the medifast plan and are losing an average of 2 to 3 pounds a week.

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