The Nether Regions of Glennbeckistan
March 5, 2010
Filed under Pastiche
Too funny! Gotta love Sen. Byrd (D-W. Va.). He ripped into the West Virginia newspaper, the Daily Mail, for an editorial they ran this week related to health care reform.
Byrd argued that the newspaper demonstrated a clear misunderstanding of congressional rules and procedures, which only results in the publication confusing its readers. Sen. Byrd wrote that the editorial more closely resembled the “barkings from the nether regions of Glennbeckistan” than the “sober and second thought” of his hometown newspaper. Way to go, Senator Byrd!!
With all due respect, the Daily Mail’s hyperbole about “imposing government control,” acts of “disrespect to the American people” and “corruption” of Senate procedures resembles more the barkings from the nether regions of Glennbeckistan than the “sober and second thought” of one of West Virginia’s oldest and most respected daily newspapers.