U.S. Justice Richard G. Kopf, a Federal judge in Nebraska, singled out the five justices who voted in favor of Hobby Lobby, calling their opinions in the ruling biased and encouraging the court to take on less political cases. "In the Hobby Lobby cases, five male Justices of the Supreme Court, who are all members of the … [Read more...] about Federal Judge Tells the Supreme Court to “STFU”
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Mandates Ultrasounds
Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., didn't have the guts to sign the bill requiring ultrasounds for women seeking an abortion in public. Instead he signed it over the Holiday weekend when no one was watching. The bill, which takes effect today, requires women seeking an abortion to undergo an ultrasound and barring doctors without … [Read more...] about Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Mandates Ultrasounds
State Mandated Ultrasounds: Because it’s What Women Want
Ohio Governor John Kasich signed a new $62 billion budget for the state over the weekend that slashed taxes for the wealthiest Ohioans while at the same time mandates medically unnecessary ultrasounds and guts Planned Parenthood. These new abortion restrictions received no debate before being signed into law. Instead they … [Read more...] about State Mandated Ultrasounds: Because it’s What Women Want
Abortion and the Risk of Breast Cancer
Does having an abortion increase the risk of breast cancer? In a word; No. That myth has circulated for years by the Pro-Life camp. It is simply not true, and that's not my personal opinion. Anti-abortion groups are the only ones actually telling women to avoid abortion as a means of protecting against breast cancer. … [Read more...] about Abortion and the Risk of Breast Cancer
HRT and Menopause
What ever happened to the days when women "came of age" and simply stopped menstruating... when menopause was recognized as a natural part of life - a Right of Passage - and not as a disease needing a cure? Why is it that the medical profession views menopause as something needing to be "fixed," even when nothing's … [Read more...] about HRT and Menopause