A group of men with no real background in law or medicine, but blessed with a strong personal interest in women’s bodies, have quietly influenced all of the major anti-abortion legislation over the past several years. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops may be one of the quietest, yet most … [Read more...]
The GOP’s 10 Most Extreme Attacks On A Woman’s Right To Choose An Abortion
2011 marked a banner year in the Republican war on woman’s health. Close to 1,000 anti-abortion bills sped through state legislatures as the GOP-led House led a “comprehensive and radical assault” on a federal level. But in surveying their arsenal this year, 10 bills stood out as particularly … [Read more...]
Scott Walker’s Next Target: Cancer Screenings for Women
First he gutted worker's rights, then slashed state education funding and dumbed-down sex ed. Next on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's hit list? Breast and cervical cancer screenings for women. Come January 1, Wisconsinites who rely on Planned Parenthood to access free cancer screenings may be out of … [Read more...]
Obama signs Executive Order establishing a National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security
This morning, President Obama signed an Executive Order establishing a National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security. THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 19, 2011 FACT SHEET: The United States National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and … [Read more...]
It’s Okay to Carry an Automatic Weapon, But Not Okay to Have an Abortion
The latest attempt to expand gun owners’ rights in Arizona – by allowing them to carry their weapons on public college campuses. Senate Bill 1467, which had already cleared the Senate, passed in the House 33 to 24. It would allow people to carry their guns when walking or driving through campuses on … [Read more...]
Alternative Therapies for PMS
A woman's menstrual cycle runs its course in about twenty-eight days. During this time, many women experience varying degrees of discomfort during or after ovulation and end with the conclusion of the menstrual flow. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) refers to the symptoms that begin prior to … [Read more...]
Is It Candida, or PMS?
Candida, also known as Candida albicans, is the scientific name for a type of yeast. It is a fungus that lives almost everywhere, including in your body. Usually, your immune system keeps yeast under control. However, if you are sick, or taking antibiotics, yeast can multiply and cause an infection … [Read more...]