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Healing the Physical, Mental, 
Emotional and Spiritual Bodies
By Rev. Cathi
Part > 1, 2, 3

Healing the Spiritual Body:
The Sub-conscious Mind
This Mind/Body contains the 'pure data' of every instant of your life. Not how we reacted to certain events or experiences, but how they actually occured. It records everything through our sences and not our emotions. 

With the guidance and help of a skilled Healer, through Imagery/Meditation we can access our past experiences with a different perspective and heal our reactions and emotions through understanding, acceptace and forgiveness. Once we change our perspectives of the past, it greatly affects how we feel about life in the present.

While this process of clearing your channels can be done by yourself, sometimes it helps to have an unbiased opinion to help you understand the past and it's lessons. Besides, why go through the 'junk' alone if you don't have to. And even though Reiki alone can be used to heal this Mind/Body, it's it's sort of like having a 'cheat sheet' for an exam... the answers are there, but the learning and growing process is stiffled. Reiki can however help you ease the fears of opening up and communicating, whether it's with your Reiki Practitioner, someone else or even your own conscious mind.

Your thoughts, and the way you perceive situations are recorded in every cell of your body. Therefore every cell in your body thinks. At every moment of your life, your body becomes what you think.


By changing the way we think and turning 'victim' issues into learning experiences, we change the energy field of our body. 

Energy shifts and releases during a healing session can provide reinforcement from the conscious mind that changes can and are happening.

Part 1 > Healing the Physical Body
Part 2 > Healing the Mental / Emotional Body
Part 3 > Healing the Spiritual Body

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