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mullein again
Joined: 30 Apr 2004 Posts: 3
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 10:17 am Post subject: V... the final part of her jpurney nears... |
hi everyone, jeez, i've been so busy i haven't checked in for a while!!! so now i've got this new user name, "mullein again". changes. whew. at least i know though, that y'all recognize the name!
anyway, here is the latest postings from, and about, V. y'all remember she developed pemphigus and an abdominal tumor about a year ago from last sept.
the end draws very near for her.
i would ask that please. everyone send reiki her way to help ease her transition, and to help her partner whitewolf and her son, parker.
thankyou. mullein
Audreydriver posted 03-27-2004 03:09 PM
hi- V is hawaii and is having a good time, "snuggling next to baba, wrapped in the flannel sheets" i talked to them last on thursday and it was raining. they went to the farmers market and got some good things to eat--- they are just chilling out ----- that is all that i know for now--- Audrey
V posted 04-06-2004 06:33 PM
v returns home tonight. she did well- no major health problems, or even minor ones. although she did say she missed parker terribly and that 2 weeks was too long to be away. she got to visit a number of people and it even stopped raining for a few days. i expect that she will post some time in the next few days to let you all know the details.
shanti, whitewolf
MILO posted 04-12-2004 08:14 AM
Yes, the rumors are true...our girl V has made it back to the main land. I spoke with V the other night and she is soooo happy to be home and most of all happy to see her boy, Parker. As mentioned before this is the longest time she has been away from him and she missed him terribly.
The trip was long and the flights tiring and V has a bad cold. It is also hard for her with continuing transitions in her relationship with Wolf.
Over all, our girl is weary.. Send her some love.
V posted 04-14-2004 01:17 AM
Hi all/ Yup, I am back. Unfortunately Wolf was a ;little off in terms of my being sick in Hawaii. I was nauseous the entire time I was there and threw up lots - but there were a couple of 4 day stretches with no vommitting. I am very happy to say that on one of the three days that it was sunny, I got to go snorkeling. (It was the most rain in 20 years, I guess) I was in the water for about 40 minutes and it was just lovely. I saw LOTS of fish and an eel. It was peaceful and amazing. The Unitarian Universalist service was also a highllight. It was great to see as many fest friends as I did. I sure do appreciate the hospitality that women showed me. I felt very much to connection between the storms and restlessness of the weather and my own restlesness.
I wasn't home for too long before I was sick again - this brought me to the ER due to severe dehydration. I was admitted but, luckily, only for 24 hours. We ruled out pneumonia (hooray!) but it's obvious that there is an awful lot of gunk in my lungs (bronchitis?) so I'm on anti-biotics. That's the good news, I guess. The bad news is that the pemphigus is back in full swing - lesions all over my tongue and my cheeks. ULG and BLAH and RATS. That means that I have to increase the immunesupressing drug and start IVIG again. I am thoroughly disappointed. I REALLY don't want this to continue. It's just too hard to face. But face it I must.
If you pray, please pray for my release in whatever form that takes.
Again, thanks for your support and know that even thoough I did not have picture postcard Hawaii, I learned a lot about myself and the culture and the difference between rain on ferns and rain on palms, between gurgling river sounds and waves crashing upon lava. I'm glad I went and stuck it out as long as I could. I am also very happy to be home. Take care, V
Traficmama posted 04-18-2004 09:22 PM
I talked to V last night as we called her from the Hoosier Gathering. She was getting ready to go somewhere and couldnt talk long but said that she had just got out of the hospital. She could barely breath and was gasping. She has to start Chemo again and I know she isnt looking forward to that.
Please hold her in your thoughts and prayers.
V posted 04-20-2004 11:21 PM
Hello everyone. I am officially out of the hospital and set up with oxygen here at home. My breathing is often labored and difficult but I would have to say that I am getting better - the dark rattling in my chest has subsided and now it's just a matter of getting enough oxygen.
After giving it much thought and prioritizing, I hae decided to begin chemo again. Today was my first day. I am on Doxil and something else. The idea is that the latest CT scan showed no further shrinking of the tumor so the pemphigus (which was in remission) has caught up to the cancer. If we can poion the cancer without killing me, I might have a chance to go back into remission again. ??It's all guessing. I do the chemo once everry three weeks and those long 6 hour infusions of IVIG three days a weekj every other week. It's a big comittment on top of homezhooling and travel plans and all
This is what I think I have decided for those of you who want to see Parrker or myself. I will stay here in Freedom, CA through the spring and early summer, having Parker go to local recreation programs and continuing with homeschool since we have the opportunity. WW is at a connference in southern CA in June where Parker will get to hang out with his UU buddies and when they return, WW will leave for arelatively leisurely cross-country trip. She wants to see national forests and be able to drive our cute little scamp trailer to her mother, who will put it to good use. Parker and I will fly to Rhode Island in mid July and stay put for a while. We will take a side trip or two to Maine for visiting family and going to summer camp.
It was a very, very difficult decision for me not to return to festival. Wolf will be there and it could possibly be in the realm of possibilities that Parker will go but I have decided to streamline my travel as mmuch as possible. I do get so sick when I travel and I can't afford it. This July is the big two year mark (after which I guess I'm the miricle girl for living past historically-based expectations.) I'll find an oncologist in Providence and hopefully be able to see anyone who wants to visit our little slice of paradise in south eastern Rhode Island. I expect to see Scout, Suzanna the kids (and maybe Alice?) at least a few times and my fingers are crossed that Marcy and Jackson will make it. Parker really cares about Jackson (and what's not to love>! Jack is such a great kid)
Sooooo sorry I didnt get to talk to the big Hoosier gathering - it sounded wicked fun! Thabnks, Po and Heather, for your offer of the RV. Even with the accomodations, I do not feel well enoug to do it.If, for some reason, I am doing really well and think I can make it, I'll probably come as a festigoer becasuse I can make that decision at the last minute - but mostly it looks like I'll be in CA, RI and ME instead of Michigan this year. Y'all are just going to have to give all the detals about opening ceremonies and sing a chorus of Amazon Womonm Rise just for me! Gosh I'll miss that~
OK - I cant see a blasted thig. Goodnight and love to all. Love, V
V posted 04-30-2004 01:00 AM
hi all whitewolf here-
since the last post things have not gone well. v has an infection that started in her port-o-cath (where they plug her in for treatment- a direct line to the heart) it has caused an infection in her blood stream. her blood is far thinner than it should be and that has caused even more porblems with the infection.
she had the port removed today, but is (and has been for the past few days) in a considerable amount of pain. we also found out that it is highly likely that the cancer has spread to her small bowel and that is causing the nausia (spelling) and vomiting.
as a result of this new information, and after talking with her about parker's feelings - he said he doesn't want her to be in so much pain anymore- she has decided- as of tonight to stop treatment.
i will be calling hospice in the morning and we will be talking with her doctor in the morning as well. we hope to manage the pain and keep her comfortable.
for those of you who are profoundly pissed off at me- all i can say is - this is really hard- i am profoundly sad at this new turn of events. i still love v and watching her suffer so greatly has been unbearably difficult. believe what you will about me- those who know me know this has been a painful time for both of us.
i continue to sit by her side and offer the support that i can.
she is not taking any calls at this time, but cards and letters are fine. the new address is 185 pajaro cir. freedom ca 95019- she will probably not post again, although i will continue to update as often as possible.
thanks for all of your love and support- it has helped and continues to help. shanti, whitewolf
V posted 04-30-2004 11:07 AM
whitewolf here again...
thanks all-i will pass on your thoughts and prayers to v. i got a call from her dad- he's coming in on monday from the mediterainian sea- he's a merchant marine. i expect her sister will be here sometime soon also.
sorry to vent my own frustration. its just really hard...
shanti, wolf |
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Sylvia Assistant Host
Joined: 26 Apr 2004 Posts: 27 Location: New York
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 7:09 pm Post subject: So sorry to hear that things have taken this turn |
Dear Mullein,
How sad and difficult this is for everyone. Clearly tho V is deciding that she is ready. Enveloping them all in cushions of loving energy.... |
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mullein again
Joined: 30 Apr 2004 Posts: 3
Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 6:44 am Post subject: |
sylvia, thanks so very much.
here is the latest post by whitewolf about V.
please continue to send reiki for them all, as V transitions.
V posted 05-02-2004 02:52 AM EDT
hi all- wolf here again.
v has a fever of 104 as of 11:30 pm CA time. we spoke with her doc and looks like she may have 2-3 days left. her pain is under control and she is comfortable.
she is remarkably strong- talking to her father now, he's stuck in east africa awaiting a flight out to the states.
she is lucid and still present to all that is around her. parker is sleeping. (so is the dog)
your circle is well felt and appreciated. i will post more later if i have the time.
blessings to you all- for all of your support and strength. we feel it!
shanti, whitewolf |
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Cathi Guest
Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 6:15 pm Post subject: |
Encircling all with lots of love, light, and angels
Cathi |
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Starreiki Guest
Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 7:48 pm Post subject: Lots of love........... |
All the love and prayers for gentle arms to hold and love you all.... ((((((((((((((((V, WW and Parker! ))))))))))))))))
Star |
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Joined: 24 Apr 2004 Posts: 26 Location: Calgary, AB
Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 11:27 pm Post subject: |
Hi Sylvia,
I'm sending *soothing energy* and positive thoughts and no pain for V. I'll add her to my prayers as well. And some for Whitewolf and Parker too.
Take gentle care. |
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BlueRose Assistant Host
Joined: 25 Apr 2004 Posts: 35 Location: Arkansas
Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 10:31 am Post subject: |
Any word on V? Last post was several days ago & indicated that she only had 2-3 days left. SIGH! She's certainly fought a valient & brave fight.
Encasing in Reiki light.
Blueie |
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