Cathi_R Assistant Host
Joined: 23 Apr 2004 Posts: 137 Location: New York
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 10:03 p Post subject: Ascension - What Is It? |
Ascension - What Is It?
By Tony Stubbs
Ascension is the gradual but inexorable increase in frequency of the physical plane that will eventuall put us in the Fifth Dimension.
What are the implications of this? Let's begin with your physical body. The increase in frequency of your cells will activate additional DNA that is currently dormant. This will give you access to a tremendous amount of informatin currently denied to you by limitations built into your genetic structure. This information will include memories of other incarnations.
You will also discover latent psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and precognition. And you will be far more in touch with your Spirit, sencing the interconnectedness of All That Is.
The increase in frequency also results in a sence of your reality speeding up. Although modern conveniences and faster computers mean that we can accomplish more, there seems to be less time in the day to actually do that.
But by far, the msot critical factor has to do with how the energy hitting the planet and your body affects them. The incoming waves of Love are being anchored by the great cetaceans and directed into the body of hte planet, to counteract and dispel the eons of negative energy that has accumulated from wars, terrorism, human cruelty and greed, and our abominable treatment of animals and the enviroment. Huge armies of ET's, Ascended Masters and Angelics also work tirelessly in this monumental project.
As a microcosm of the planet, your body is not in much better shape, with much negative energy held in your cells and aura. This presents resistance to the incoming energy, as when a large electrical current is passed through a thin wire. The large flow of electrons hitting hte wire's atoms agitates them and the wire glows and gets hot. If you do not clear the negative energy, you will experience the effect as agitation, sleeplessness and weird illnesses akin to flu.
What can you do to alleviate these symptoms? Countless books offer practical guidance to eliminating the low-frequency, dnese, negative energy and preparing your body and aura to accept the newer frequencies. (My own book, "An Ascension Handbook", explains the mechanic of ascension, and presents a toolkit of vital techniques. Tashira Tachi-ren's "What is Lightbody?" also goes into great detail about the changes to your physical body.)
When will all this happen? It's ALREADY happening, folks, and has been underway since 1987 whe the Harmonic Convergence signaled to the Univers teh Earth's readiness to Ascend. Ascension is NOT an event, however, but a process, although many people attach significance to the Date December 23, 2012, which marks the end of the Mayan calendar. However, sources of information, such as Ascended Masters, are reluctant to disclose the meaning of this and create undue expectations around that dayte.
The timing of Ascension doesn't really matter because there is nothing we can do except prepare ourselves for it by daily spiritual "exercises" such as meditation, energy clearing, dispelling negativity, and learning how not to create any more.
Will everyone Ascend? That would be ideal but, in reality, some just will not be ready for fifth-dimensional energy, and will relocate to a "duplicate" Earth that doesn't Ascend. (This will not be Earth as we know her - she deserves the relief of Ascending.
Those in charge of the Ascension hope for over 90% but admit it might be as low as 75% Each of us can do our part to improve those numbers however, by spreading the word and dispelling fears.
As Lightworkers, we had our wake up call on September 11th. After years of preperation and training, we received our draft notices. You are now in the Army of Light, and are called to choose between Armageddon or Heaven-on-Earth. The choice is yours! |