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BlueRose Assistant Host
Joined: 25 Apr 2004 Posts: 24 Location: Arkansas
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:33 am Post subject: Back at cha, Trace |
Can we say......LIFE???? lol
a myriad of things....'puter problems, browser got hijacked, spent several frustrating weeks trying to ''fix it", finally had to reformat & start all over. But we're back up & running again, so I can surf the web in peace.
Mama, Jeremy & I took a vacation trip to Seattle & got to meet Ms. Shemani & family. That was really cool. Also got to see my friend Barb whom I haven't seen since Jeremy as 11 months old & I flew out there to be in her wedding. That was a blast! Mama & I absolutely got along great the whole time (1 full week).
Then there was my nephew's wedding in Evansville, IN. That was a LOT of fun, and soon to come up is his brother's wedding in August in Indianapolis that we're headed up to.
And work is busy, busy..we're working to add 4 more classes, so I've had to be getting stuff ready for that.
And then there's this HEAT & HIGH Temps around here. Have been wiping me out really good. Finally went & picked up some salt tablets & that is helping tremendously.
O, and did I mention that my air conditioner went out? $2100 later, I have a brand new systerm that works wonderfully.
I even built myself a new sidewalk (well, it's still in the works). Fake stone sides filled with pea gravel, then topped with stepping stones & filled in with white gravel. Looks really cool, since that part of my yard slopes down & rain water has a tendency to stand in the yard, it will help tremendously in keeping my little footsies dry on the way to the car. Had the family over for the 4th, that was a lot of fun. But you know, it hasn't rained since. hmmmmmmm
My mom & I got out in the yard & really went to work, cleaned up a lot, now I have a whole yard to mow instead of bits & pieces. LOL
Anyway, hope today is better for you Tammie. I know it's going to be for me & it's all thanks to you. You helped pull me up out of my self & set my feet on a much higher path. You rock, sweetie.
Take care & much Reiki coming your way.
Blueie |
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Joined: 27 Apr 2004 Posts: 157 Location: North Carolina
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 6:28 pm Post subject: |
Ahhhhh Bluie you did it all yourself. We just supported your decisions. You made some darn good ones cause just look where you are today Yes, things will get better. We have to have these rough times to appreciate the better times. Sometimes that's hard to see but that's how it usually works out.
Sounds like you are staying busy. That's wonderful that you are spending so much time with your mom. Cherish each day  |
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Joined: 24 Apr 2004 Posts: 19 Location: Calgary, AB
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:32 am Post subject: |
HI again......Sorry Tracer I haven't replied again....Geez...I been busy with my work and the famous Stampede that was just on here. It ran from July 9th to the 18th...YeeeeeHawwwww!!
I went down to the grds twice and then had a wonderful opportunity to go to the "finals" rodeo show on Sunday! WOW! This gal from another forum I visit lives 2.5 hrs. from Cowtown and was given 2 "infield seats" tickets to the final rodeo show and asked me if I was interested in going with her. OMG- Yessssss I said! lolol Does a bear shit in the woods? hehehe I was delighted......*S* I met her on Sunday morning and off we went. There happens to be a special stampede park express bus right near where I live and we hopped on that. What a show!! It was sooooo exciting and fun! Even tho our seats were in the "sun", it was kewl! I did burn and at one point, a gal behind me said "oohhh, u best be covering up your shoulders gurl, you are totally RED"......I had a big stampede hankerchief on me, so draped it over both shoulders and arms. OI!!!
There were 5 events and the moula flowed!!! *G* Saddle Bronc Riding/Steer Wrestling/BareBack Riding/Barrel Racing (women only)/Bull Riding. The final winners - First Place wins 50 grand and 2nd Place wins 25 grand. I really enjoyed the Barrel Racing! Canadians and Americans won the bucks that day! It was so much fun and one fellow that got thrown from a bull may have broken his leg. OUCH! I didn't hear yet on that. Hope he's okay. Some of dem bulls are Huge!!! OMG and famous for bucking off "anyone" who is on 'em....LOL
After the rodeo show, we walked around the grounds, checked oot some sites and animals in the Agricultural Bldg. and then headed home.
I also picked up a nasty virus somewhere and have been sick. I started feeling kinda crappy last Thursday and then by Sat. night, I was losing my voice. I gots Laryngitis (sp-?) and a bit of a cough. Yikes! And all this in the middle of summer. What a bummer but I will survive...*S*
So when I went to the show on Sunday, I had to more or less whisper and clap only - I couldn't YeeeeeeHawwwwww!!!! LOLOL Now it's breaking up a tad, thankfully. Pls send me some energy if you can spare some. *S* Tanx
How is Tammie doing Tracer? I have read more posts in here and see that she is still hangin in there. How awful that this supervisor is even allowed to work for the company. Ppl like her should be shipped to Alaska and made to live in an "igloo" and ALL ALONE!!! Sheesh....Ppl like that make me sick too....
((((((((((Tammie and Tracer))))))))))))))) I hope things are better and that Tammie can perhaps find a better job and somewhere where she is respected and treated correctly. (when I read she got written up for not saying "good morning"- well, omg, how silly and immature on the supervisor's part) That is totally ludricrous!!
I'm sending **soothing energy** your way Tammy and some for you too Tracer.....Take care! |
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Terri R. Site Admin

Joined: 21 Apr 2004 Posts: 236 Location: So. Calif.
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:37 am Post subject: |
((((((((((((((((((((( Bluie !!!! ))))))))))))))))))))
It is SO good to see you back again!!!! I see you've been busy with a great many things, and it sounds as if things are really moving in a more positive direction for you!
Welcome home!
Terri |
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BlueRose Assistant Host
Joined: 25 Apr 2004 Posts: 24 Location: Arkansas
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:21 am Post subject: Thanks for the great welcome |
I know, I missed all of ya'll too, but I'm back hopping over here on a more frequent basis.
Think I might have found (finally) a new massage therapist. I sure miss miy friend from Mass who used to practice on me after she went off to weekend learning clinics! Can we say.....YAY!!!? LOL
Anyway, daughter of a friend has just moved back, had lunch with them yesterday & I'm going to see her next week. Sure am in need of a good massage & a good massage therapist to go to whenever I need ..... or just want it! heehee
I'm glad the weekend is here, ready for a break.
{{{{{{{{{{Tammie}}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{Tracer}}}}}}}}}}}}
Good to be back home.
Blueie |
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Sylvia Assistant Host
Joined: 26 Apr 2004 Posts: 26 Location: New York
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:42 am Post subject: Bluie! |
How great to see you here! I can't come nearly as often as I might like either, as I've been rather busy. But it is wonderful when you CAN catch up to see old friends
Glad to here things are going so well.
Much love,
Sylvia |
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BlueRose Assistant Host
Joined: 25 Apr 2004 Posts: 24 Location: Arkansas
Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 4:51 am Post subject: Thanks to ya |
Thanks Ms Sylvia
For that warm welcome back, I'll send you a buncha Reiki...coming right now!!!
Love ya
Blueie |
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