Cathi_R Assistant Host
Joined: 23 Apr 2004 Posts: 137 Location: New York
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:35 p Post subject: List of Ascended Masters and Guides |
The Ascended Masters are there for us to call upon also. Below is just a few of the Guides, Saints and Masters we may call upon for help.
Zoser - Ancient Egyptian Healer/Priest
Brede/Brigit - Goddess of birth,
inspiration, healing and love. A healing guide for the planet and all who wish to work with her. She works with herbs and
flower remedies.
White Buffalo Calf Woman
Aura - Spirit healer. Her and her people are primarily here to help healers. Ask if one of them would like to work with you. Often seen in the form of blue light.
Helena - Astral acupuncturist. She was 19th century Russian Nurse. Specializes in womens diseases. You have to ask to be taken to her.
Ariel - Angel of healing.
Kali Ma, Oya, Hecate - Call on them if
something old needs to be torn down.
Bast, Hecate, Diana of the Hounds, St.
Francis of Assisi, Mother Earth, Mother
Nature, and the animals own Spirit Guides and/or Devas can all be called on for animal healings.
BUDDHA (GAUTAMA) ~ Ascended 2500 years ago, Buddha "gave it all up" to find meaning in life and the reason why some suffered so much. It was during a meditation under the Bodhi Tree that he received Enlightenment. Buddhism was formed out of his Teachings.
CONFUCIUS ~ Born in 551 B.C., he had to support his mother after his fathers early death. He was educated in music, history, poetry and sports, and was a gentleman as well as a scholar. After his mothers death, and at the end of his morning period, he became a teacher of the 6 disciplines - poetry, music, history, government, etiquette and divination. Eventually he became the Chief Justice in his State, as was known as K'ung Fu-Tse in China. He later receved a prestigious post that allowed him to spend the rest of his life compiling his writings, which are now called Confucian Classics. Confucianism arose from his teachings, the essence of them being to strive for perfect virtue in every thought, word and deed.
Was an early incarnation of Ascended Master Djwhal Khul.
DJWHAL KHUL ~ Also know as Master of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom. Also known as 'The Tibetan'. He was known to materialize, dematerialize and bi-locate. He works to balance energies and make them easily accesible to all. He is also responsible for making much of the esoteric knowledge widely available through the writings of H.P.Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and others. Shortly after leaving the earth plane in the late 1800's he began working with El Moyra, Kathumi and St. Germain to assist them in the research of Helen Blavatsky.
EL MOYRA ~ Master of the 1st Ray, connected to the Temple of the Will of God. Working to transform the aggresive human from domination to the wiil to do good. Head of all Esoteric Schools.
GANESHA ~ Elephant God of India. He is in charge of removing all obstacles.
HILARION ~ Master of the 5th Ray, connected to the Temple of Truth. He works to help us expand the mind and bring new consciousness and spirituality into all areas of scientific discovery. A previous incarnation was the Apostle Paul.
JESUS / SANANDA ~ Master of the 6th Ray, Jesus is in charge of helping people raise their Spiritual frequency. He is also part of the "Council of Nine".
KUTHUMI ~ Master of the 2nd Ray, Temple of Love, Wisdom and Understanding. He comes to those who seek knowledge in this time of change. Some of his previous incarnations are said to be John the Divine, Casper (one of the three Wise Men) and St Frances of Assisi.
MARY ~ Mother of Jesus. Mary was a Essene, and in charge of the Spiritual upbringing of Jesus. She will guide you and assist in healing and Attunements.
MATREYA ~ Lord Matreya is the being who holds the office of the Christ-Grid frequency for our planet. This is the new grid system of higher evolution. He is the head of the Spiritual Heirachy and is often called the "Master of Masters". He has served this position for 2500 years and is an aspect of Jesus/Sananda.
MELCHIZEDEK ~ There are many of them living on another level, and supposedly 3 living on the earth plane at the present time. 'Drunvalo Melchizeek is a walk-in, a teacher and a very evolved soul. The Melchizedek's initiate people into higher orders. All are open and willing to teach and knowledgeable about the Universe and everything in it. Some refer to Melchizedek as the Grand Master.
METATRON ~ From the "Keys of Enoch", Metatron is called the Almighty Eternal Lord and Divine Voice of the Father. Considered the Creator of the outer worlds, a teacher and guide to Enoch and creator of the Keys. He is also a co-worker with Zorraster.
NADA ~ An Ascended Master whose last incarnation is said to be in the time of Atlantis. Nada guides us with Love and Understanding.
PAUL the VENITIAN ~ Master of the 3rd Ray. Paul helps to transform conditional human love to unconditional Divine love. He works closely with Serapis Bay and helps bring Spiritual intelligence in and through our mental activities to accelerate the evolutionary process.
QUAN YIN ~ She is the Goddess and Divine Mother aspect in Buddhism, and carries the same energy as Mary did in Christianity, Isis did in Egyptian adn Hinduism, Shakti (Vishnu's wife), Pavarti (Shiva's wife) adn Sita (Rama's wife). Her proper name is Kuanshih Yin and means "She who harkens to the cries of the world". She is honored in Japan and China. A Celestial Bodhisatva and Ascended Master, one of her jobs is to sit on the board of Lords of Karma.
SANAT KUMARA ~ Sanat works with Buddha in creating new Universes for those that are evolving.
SERAPIS BEY ~ Master of the 4th Ray, he hold open the Temple doors on the etheric level in Luxor, Egypt. He works to balance and activate artistic beauty in all areas of life. He helps with persoanl initiations.
ST. GERMAIN ~ Master of the 7th Ray, he is connected to the Temple of Freedom. Some of his previous incarnations are said to be teh Prohet Samuel, Saint Joseph (Mary's husband), St. Alban, Merlin, Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus, Frances Bacon and William Shakespear. He is said to have lived for 350 years and staged his own death between lives and was friends with many distinguished philosophers. He also is said to have an extensive knowledge of Herbalism, and a Master Alchemist. He founded Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, as Francis Bacon. He is what one would call an immortal. It is from his Ascended state that he brought us the ultimate gift of freedom, the Violet Flame. |